Tuesday, February 4, 2014

1 - Why the groundswell & why now?

       Chapter one begins with a look into the birth of Digg, a creation of Kevin Rose. Digg, launched in 2004, has become one of the largest and well known news mediums through the web. The goal is Chapter one, in my opinion, is to open and dissect the potential and dangers of social media strategies.

       09 -F9 -11 - 02

       The number listed above is the encryption of HD-DVD's. When the number was leaked, Digg decided to push the news to their own front page, eventually causing the encryption leak to spread across the internet. After receiving a cease & desist order from the AACS LA, Digg responded by editing out the encryption in their article. However, the founders began to notice an important and foreshadowed effect that exists on the web - almost anything posting, uploaded, or scanned will exist on the web even after deletion. For example, the encryption was posted in over 3,100 blogs later that day, which led to Digg reversing their edit. Businesses can either thrive or cave through the use of social media strategies. More and more, companies are beginning to realize that the web is a mandatory business tool.

1 comment:

  1. Alex - good recap. What do you think of the fallout for the copyright owners given that they tried to stifle the code legally and it spun out of control? How can companies protect themselves from such things happening? And if they do happen (cause they will) how might they manage the conversation to keep things from getting out of hand?
